MCET Technologies News & Research

MCET Technologies News & Research

Posts by

Dan Bryan

Mr. Dan Bryan. Mr. Bryan is a business development professional with 20 years of experience of project management, business case development, market research and analysis, concept design, Voice of the Customer, and product launches in industrial and composite markets. Mr. Bryan has extensive experience and training in lean leadership, project management, and customer discovery, with training in lean leadership/Voice of the Customer market research and leadership in new product development from concept design to launch.

Pipeline Stress Test

MCET Completes Independent Pipe Stress/Strain Test

Image of Dan Bryan
Dan Bryan

MCET recently participated in the second Combined Loading Assessment of Spoolable Pipe Systems (CLASPS-02) Joint Industry Program (JIP), a program designed to evaluate current non-destructive examination (NDE) technologies and assessment of defects caused common threats to pipelines.  

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What is SHM in Pressure Vessels?

Image of Dan Bryan
Dan Bryan

Pressure vessels are crucial components in a wide range of industries, including oil and gas, chemical processing, and power generation. These vessels are designed to store, transport, or process pressurized fluids, gases, or other substances. As pressure vessels are subject to high stress and fatigue loads, they require regular inspection and monitoring to ensure their structural integrity and prevent catastrophic failure. In this blog, we will discuss structural health monitoring (SHM) in pressure vessels, including its benefits, techniques, and challenges.

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SHM in Pressure Vessels

Image of Dan Bryan
Dan Bryan

Pressure vessels are crucial components in a wide range of industries, including oil and gas, chemical processing, and power generation. These vessels are designed to store, transport, or process pressurized fluids, gases, or other substances. As pressure vessels are subject to high stress and fatigue loads, they require regular inspection and monitoring to ensure their structural integrity and prevent catastrophic failure. In this blog, we will discuss structural health monitoring (SHM) in pressure vessels, including its benefits, techniques, and challenges.

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Use of NDE in non-metallic pipelines

Image of Dan Bryan
Dan Bryan

The use of non‐metallic composite pipes is increasing due to light weight and anti‐corrosion/durability related advantages.  However, NDE testing methods for non-metallics can be limited, and like metallic structures, most NDE monitoring methods involve physical inspections- which can be labor-intensive and dangerous.  Specific failure modes in non-metallic pipelines to be monitored in these applications are as follows:

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MCET Sensor Advantage: Sensing in Any Direction

Image of Dan Bryan
Dan Bryan

Metal structural components of pipelines, pressure vessels, and infrastructure deteriorate over their service life due to static and cyclic loading, exposure to corrosive chemicals, and harsh environments. Consequently, chemical corrosion can also result in deterioration and reduction in load carrying capacity. The result is progressive weakening of the structural elements due to section loss and cracking, and eventual structural failure if the damage is not detected in time.

While visual inspections are specifically undertaken to detect this hazard, these inspections are often only undertaken once every several years, are labor-intensive, and can only be conducted if the component is completely pulled out of service.  Technology alternatives, such as fiber optics, also have limitations as they have a very limited sensing range.  

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Piezoresistive Advantages in Structural Monitoring

Image of Dan Bryan
Dan Bryan

Globally, industrial facilities in Power Utility, Petrochemical and other industrial capacities commonly use pressure vessel and piping equipment (PVP) in a number of applications, including utility boilers, petrochemical storage and transport, or manufacturing processes. However, while the use of PVP in these applications is considered to be highly reliable, accidents can happen, and they can cause serious injury or death to workers as well as important infrastructure and equipment damage. Even a small leak of a confined fluid can lead to serious consequences in terms of human health and safety, environment damage, and productivity loss.  Continuous NDT structural monitoring solutions are needed to address these concerns.

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How piezoresistant sensors work in metal components and structures

Image of Dan Bryan
Dan Bryan

Critical components are key to systems running effectively.  However, established methods for these components, such as ILI monitoring or visual inspection, often are performed only periodically, and if serious damage occurs to those components between inspections, these methods can be ineffective.  Critical components, such as pipelines, pressure vessels, gaskets, or connectors are in need of a more comprehensive, continuous monitoring technology- especially for larger monitoring areas.

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